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Five-Year Action Plan

Transforming Connectivity on Guam!

Your Gateway to Tomorrow’s Internet         

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Initial Proposal Volume 1, marking a significant milestone in Guam's journey toward universal digital access. This comprehensive strategy lays the foundation for a connected future where high-speed internet becomes a reality for every resident.

Vision in Action:     
With meticulous planning and community input, we’re steering towards a future where location and economic standing do not dictate digital access. From rural areas to urban centers, our goal is Connectivity for All-expanding opportunities island-wide.

Explore the Plan:     
Delve into our proposal and see the detailed blueprint for progress-crafted for inclusivity, aiming for excellence.


Read the Initial Proposal Volume 1

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Guam's strategic plan for the next five years described above, focuses on delivering affordable and accessible internet to every resident. By investing in advanced infrastructure such as a state-of-the-art Data Center and initiating broad-reaching internet access programs, we aim to enhance connectivity, reduce latency, and foster economic growth. This commitment ensures that every individual, regardless of their economic background, will have the opportunity to benefit from reliable and high-speed internet services. We welcome conversations with all who support or have questions about our vision. Si Yu'os ma'åse' para todus hamyo! Biba internet for all! Biba Guam! 

Read the 5-Year Action Plan



Priorities for Broadband Deployment and Digital Inclusion

Broadband Affordability

Affordable internet service for all Guam residents


Broadband Reliability

Efforts to harden broadband infrastructure for future natural disasters


Chamorro Culture Digital Access and Preservation

Preservation, promulgation, and adoption of Chamorro culture through digital access to language, resources, and individuals


Digital Literacy and Inclusion Programs for Covered Households

Digital literacy, equipment, and digital work/education/health access for Guam’s numerous Covered Households



Estimated Timeline for Universal Service

Year 1:

  • Evaluate current infrastructure and survey residents to understand digital needs.
  • Draft a Digital Transformation Strategy that aligns with the priorities set out and identify potential funding sources.
  • Liaise with local and Federal authorities to understand regulations, secure necessary permissions, and establish bidding criteria for upcoming projects.
  • Initiate bidding processes for infrastructure, Data Center construction, and other critical projects.
  • Continued ongoing public engagement.
  • Launch pilot digital literacy and technical training programs to uplift local skills. 


Year 2:

  • Start the construction of the Data Center and further infrastructure development, laying the foundation for future internet access systems.
  • Roll out the terrestrial broadband infrastructure development and commence procurement processes for the undersea broadband.
  • Coordinate with local and national policy-making bodies to ensure policies facilitate the rapid deployment of free islandwide internet.
  • Begin engagement with Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers to market the upcoming Data Center.
  • Expand and scale the workforce training programs, focusing on digital literacy and technical skills.
  • Continued ongoing public engagement.
  • Develop and test the initial phases of the free islandwide internet system.


Year 3:

  • Align closely with Guam's policies to streamline deployment and reduce potential bureaucratic barriers.
  • Enhance efforts to digitally preserve Guam's indigenous culture, partnering with local institutions and community groups.
  • Prioritize the enablement of gigabit access for key community anchor institutions.
  • Broaden the coverage and reach of the free islandwide internet system, focusing on underserved areas.
  • Train and equip educators, community leaders, and public representatives in digital literacy and its benefits.
  • Continued ongoing public engagement.
  • Finalize CDN partnerships, ensuring Guam's Data Center offers robust and resilient services to attract global CDN providers to reduce latency.


Year 4:

  • Continuously monitor and refine partnerships with CDNs, ensuring the Data Center remains competitive and attractive.
  • Refine and optimize the free islandwide internet system based on feedback and usage data, ensuring optimized coverage and speed.
  • Double down on digital equity initiatives, ensuring they align with the State Digital Equity Plan and that all residents benefit equally from digital advancements.
  • Continued ongoing public engagement.


Year 5:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the 4-year transformation journey, identifying areas of success, areas for improvement, and strategizing for the next phase of digital growth.
  • Continued ongoing public engagement.
  • Foster deeper collaborations with policymakers, aiming to shape future strategies and policies that support Guam's digital aspirations.