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Office of Infrastructure Policy & Development

Transforming Connectivity on Guam!

Your Gateway to Tomorrow’s Internet              

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Initial Proposal Volume 1, marking a significant milestone in Guam's journey toward universal digital access. This comprehensive strategy lays the foundation for a connected future where high-speed internet becomes a reality for every resident.

Vision in Action:          
With meticulous planning and community input, we’re steering towards a future where location and economic standing do not dictate digital access. From rural areas to urban centers, our goal is Connectivity for All-expanding opportunities island-wide.

Explore the Plan:          
Delve into our proposal and see the detailed blueprint for progress-crafted for inclusivity, aiming for excellence.


Read the Initial Proposal Volume 1

Read the Initial Proposal Volume 2

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February 15, 2025
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The Guam Office of Infrastructure Policy and Development (OIPD), as part of its work in developing a Five-Year Action Plan for Broadband, is required to perform asset inventories including an assessment of “Community Anchor Institutions” (CAIs) throughout the island.  

The Office is currently developing a database (contained as a Google Sheet at this time) with data dimensions for each Organization and each Location relevant to the agreed upon definition. The current list of CAIs might be seen as a “Candidates” list; ideally the individual data will go through a contact-and-verification process to ensure they are indeed existing and operational entities.



Guam Office of Infrastructure Policy and Development (OIPD): FUNCTIONS


OIPD, with the Office of the Governor of Guam, shall perform these functions…

  • Develop integrated policy recommendations for government of Guam investments in infrastructure.
  • Provide support to requesting agencies and policy recommendations to the Office of the Governor regarding utilization of federal funds for infrastructure, including but not limited to funds received under the American Rescue Plan and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Receive federal funds for digital community development initiatives, to improve broadband infrastructure and expand digital access for the underserved and economically disadvantaged segments of our community.
  • Monitor and periodically report on the progress of federally funded infrastructure projects, and coordinate with agencies to develop best practices and recommendations that will systemically improve the Government of Guam’s management of infrastructure funds.
  • Make recommendations to agencies to ensure effective and appropriate procurement strategies that provide for the timely execution and implementation of infrastructure projects.
  • Obtain, receive, and administer grants and government funds to support its mission and operations.
  • Employ personnel as necessary to carry out its functions. At the direction of the Governor, employees may also be detailed or assigned from other agencies to assist with its mission and operations.
  • Acquire professional services as necessary to carry out its functions


View Executive Order No. 2022-11